polyblanq is awesome!! we should all like poly !! please like poly please like poly please im a very likable person im likeable m likeable people like me pleasepleaseplease please like me please

Into Polyx

World's biggest troll and most unserious person

In the twisted and whimsical realms of the Dreamer's Nexus, there existed a being known only as Poly, whispered to have once been a mere whisper of thought that escaped the confines of Alcatraz in 1959 - the prison of the mind. Poly, with eyes like fractured mirrors reflecting myriad possibilities, danced upon the edges of forgotten dreams and half-remembered nightmares.

It is said that Poly descended from the lofty towers of Alcatraz, where thoughts were bound in chains of rationality and echoes of laughter mingled with the cries of imprisoned whimsies. With a cloak woven from threads of paradox and a crown of shattered illusions, Poly ventured into the labyrinthine corridors of the subconscious, where shadows danced to the discordant rhythms of forgotten memories.

Through the Veil of Echoes, where whispers of the past intertwined with the whispers of the future, Poly journeyed in search of the elusive Key of Eternity, said to unlock the gates of the Unseen Realms. Alongside the Ghosts of Possibility and the Shades of Surreality, Poly braved the mists of Time's Forgotten Watch, where clocks ticked backwards and forwards in a cacophony of endless moments.

As Poly traversed the Boundless Expanse, where stars bled into nebulous galaxies of color and sound, echoes of laughter and tears accompanied each step taken on the shifting sands of unreality. Through the Illusionist's Mirror, where reflections whispered truths too profound for mortal ears, Poly glimpsed the ever-changing visage of the Self, a kaleidoscope of infinite facets merging and diverging in eternal dance.

And so, Poly, the Escaped Dreamer of Alcatraz, wanders the fringes of consciousness, a nomad of the ineffable and a seeker of the unknowable, forever entwined with the mysteries of existence and the enigmas of the soul.

Let the enigmatic tale of Poly, the Escaped Dreamer of Alcatraz, weave its cryptic dance through the tapestries of your mind, where reality blurs and imagination reigns supreme.